Sustainability-related disclosures

Periodic disclosures

Infranity Sustainable Investment Report 2024
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Policies and guidelines

Infranity Net Zero Methodology
Sustainable Investment Policy
Policy on Infranity’s vision, risk management and sustainable investing approach
Sustainable Investment Definition Guideline
Guidance on Infranity’s consideration for a sustainable investment
Engagement Policy
Policy on how we dialogue with our Investee Companies and exercise our voting rights
Remuneration Policy
Principles related to the composition of remuneration and the performance assessment of collaborators
Exclusion Policy
Policy on Infranity's Exclusion Approach
Infranity Climate Methodology
Methodology applied by Infranity to assess the temperature alignment of assets and portfolios
Infranity ESG Scoring Methodology
Methodology applied by Infranity to attribute an ESG score to assets

Welcome to Infranity’s website. Infranity is an asset management company authorized by the “Authorité des Marchés Financiers” under number GP-19000030. French “Société par Actions Simplifiée” – SAS, its registered office at 6 rue Ménars, 750002 Paris under the number 831 266 721 RCS.

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