Our strategies

Infranity is a pure play asset management company that provides attractive infrastructure investment solutions. Multiple strategies are run in parallel with the goal of meeting a wide variety of clients objectives. All our strategies follow deeply rooted ESG principles and exclusively focus on real infrastructure assets, Infranity’s core expertise. The investment solutions that we shape benefit from the wide scope of opportunities presented by the infrastructure sector, ranging from solar farms to fiber networks as well as a wide array of instruments across the capital structure.

Our Funds

We manage 15 funds1 on behalf of over 75 institutional investors, representing an AUM which is over €11 billion1.
These funds involve investors from various jurisdictions and are either incorporated in France or Luxembourg.
Some of our funds involve single institutional investors which, in turn, market them through their retail networks.
Infranity’s offering has been devised to address the main needs of our clients. It spans thematic to multi-sector investing, with or without geographical focus. Because we invest across the capital structure, our investors have the possibility to invest in debt, equity or any combination of both, depending on their desired risk-return profile.


We source more than 400 investment1 opportunities per year. This is achieved through a constant dialogue with the market from our entire team, drawing on our well-established networks of industrial sponsors, financial investors, banks, advisors, consultants and public organizations. With more than ten nationalities in the team, we gather well informed market intelligence across the infrastructure space to access investment opportunities ahead of the rest of the market.

Selection Process

We have a rigorous process for selecting investment opportunities. Our most valuable assets are the experience, expertise and engagement of our team. Long-standing relationships with industry players across Europe and North America make us the partner of choice for developers seeking funding solutions.
All assets are screened through our proprietary ESG methodology with the support of reputable consultants in this field.

Our privileged access to a very wide choice of investment opportunities is what allows us to select investments that offer attractive risk returns.

Alban de la Selle,
Infranity’s Chief Investment Officer
Our sectors

The assets we invest in are tangible, or real assets, that contribute to the quality of life of people today and of the next generations. There are five main fields of infrastructure where Infranity operates :

Energy Transition

Committed to fight climate change, we mobilise capital to accelerate the deployment of renewable energies. Beyond financing single projects, we support credible transitions of utilities towards a < 2°C climate trajectory. We engage in energy efficiency schemes including district heating networks and energy services to industrial and residential customers.

Green Mobility

Green Mobility for people and goods to enhance communication between communities. This includes assets in the rail sector, electric vehicles infrastructure.


Relates to waste and water management activities and generally includes waste to energy plants, waste water treatment plants and drinking water networks.

Social infrastructure

Typically relates to assets that contribute positively to the health and education of the communities, such as schools and hospitals.

Digital transformation

For projects that enhance communications between people, like fiber deployment in rural areas and other telecommunications projects.


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